1) SET UP A PROFILE! Registration for 2025 WGAWP events (tournaments and A Days) and West Penn Women's events require "user credentials" linked to a GHIN number. New members must set up a profile through the registration portal link. Existing members may also edit their profile. CLICK HERE for the Registration Portal Link!
2) REGISTER for EVENTS! CLICK HERE to register for:
Complete this form if you would like to play in a partner or team event! We will help you find other members who would like to play!
For immediate assistance call 412-551-8549.
It is a condition of the competition that the player shall play without undue delay and in accordance with any Pace of Play guidelines.
It is the player’s responsibility to know their group’s position relative to the published Pace of Play and to ensure they play within the maximum limits.
The Tournament Administrator and Rules Official may monitor at group at any time, and random notations will be taken throughout the tournament. If a specific pace of play issue arises and a group is deemed to be out of position, that group will be timed.
Defined as Out of Position:
Is taking more than the maximum scheduled time to play, and
Reaches a par 3 that is clear of all play and all players in the preceding group have played their strokes from the teeing ground on the next hole or
Reaches a par 4 or par 5 hole which is clear of play.
When a group is out of position, each player must play any stroke within 40 seconds after the timing of such stroke begins. Timing begins once the player has had a reasonable amount of time to reach her ball. If 40 seconds are exceeded, a one stroke penalty may be applied. The group will no longer be monitored when it regains position.
WGAWP Tie Breaker Procedure:
In the event of a tie where a playoff is not specified, the WGAWP follows the USGA recommended procedure for resolving ties. The winner is determined based on the best score for the last nine holes (holes 10-18) regardless of the starting tee. If the tying players have the same score for the last nine, determine the winner on the basis of the last six (holes 13-18), then the last three holes (holes 16-18). If still tied, determine the winner using a sudden death playoff starting with the 18th hole working backwards to the 1st hole.
Allocation of Handicap Strokes for NET Tie Breakers:
When Handicap Stroke Table Not Relevant (Individual stroke play, Scramble, Chapman):
For net competitions where the handicap stroke table is not relevant when the last nine, last six, last three hole scenario is used, one-half, one third, or one sixth, of the handicaps are deducted from the score for those holes, rounding up fractions of .5 or higher.
If a reverse sudden death playoff is required to determine the net winner, allocate the handicap strokes as assigned for the competition (based on handicap stroke table).
When Handicap Stroke Table Is Relevant (Better Ball, Best 2-of-4, Triple Sixes, Stableford):
In competitions where the handicap stroke table is relevant, handicap strokes are taken as assigned for the competition.