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First President's Memorial Tournament


(In Memory of Jeannette Nicholson Price)

36 Hole Stroke Play - 95% Handicap 

Maximum 28.4 Handicap Index for Prize Competition

Members must qualify for this tournament and play both days.

TROPHY: 36 Hole Low Net      

JNP: 36 Hole Low Gross      

PRIZES:  36 Hole 2nd, 3rd  Low Nets and 2nd Low Gross

NETTIE: 1st Day Low Net             BETTY AB: 2nd Day Low Net

1st Day Low Gross & 2nd Day Low Gross Prizes          


Trophy - Hole by Hole Play-off

Others - Match of Cards Following the WGAWP Tie Break Procedure


  • 30% of field in Spring Two-Day
  • 30% of field in Tag Hill, Barnes-Murphy Trophy, Seniors, Super Seniors, Volunteer Invitational Players Tournament
  • 30% of Championship Qualifying Round (Bobby Cruickshank)
  • Current and Past Presidents
  • Winners of the Pat Hinkel and Ginny Lancaster

Percent consists of Low Gross, Runner-up Low Gross, Low Nets and ties in last position. Previous qualifiers will not be included in the qualifying field in subsequent events.

Any WGAWP member who during the season does not submit a scorecard, fails to complete the stipulated rounds or does not play when expected, may lose her eligibility for the First President's Memorial Tournament except for extenuating circumstances, which shall be left to the discretion of the Executive Board.

VFW Points: Low Gross - 5 Points, Runner-Up Low Gross - 3 Points

Betty S. Abernethy, in memory of Jeannette Nicholson Price, has presented the Trophy and an ongoing endowment to cover the purchase of the winner's prize. The Trophy will be kept at Fox Chapel Golf Club and the winner will be presented the First President's Medallion.

  • 1992 - Betty added the NETTIE and BETTY AB prizes
  • 1998 - Betty added the JNP prize
  • 1999 - Betty added the 36 Hole Low Net Runner-Up prize


The First President's Memorial Fund originated in 1975 by Miss Betty Abernethy in memory of Jeannette Nicholson Price, WGAWP's first President. This fund is used to support the First President's Memorial Tournament and to further women's golf as determined by the Executive Board. Anyone wishing to contribute to this fund may do so by sending a memorial or a donation to the WGAWP Treasurer. All gifts will be acknowledged.

2024 Results

36 Hole Low Net (Crescent Moon Award) - 140
Danielle Proctor - Sewickley

36 Hole Low Gross (JNP) - 150
Katie Miller Gee - Green Oaks

36 Hole 2nd Low Net - 149
Jane Wymer - Butler 

36 Hole 3rd Low Net - 145
Patti Nelis - Windber

36 Hole 2nd Low Gross -161
Jordan Craig- Nyiri - Westmoreland 

36 Hole 3rd Low Gross - 167
Kat Katawczik - Sewickley

Nettie - Low Net 1st Day - 75
Jaime Burnett - St. Clair

Betty Ab - Low Net 2nd Day - 73
Michelle mankey - Sewickley


54 Participants