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Tournament Registration Made Easy

01/04/2018, 8:45pm EST
By Admin

The New USGA Tournament Management System

The USGA's GHIN service has been an important technology tool for clubs and associations (such as the WGAWP and West Penn) since 1981.  One of these products is called the Tournament Pairing Program or TPP that we have used to register for events and conduct our tournaments.  

For the last two years, the USGA has collaborated with a software firm dedicated to tournament management and the result is a USGA-branded version of the established and successful Golf Genius tournament management system that will replace the TPP that has been in use the last several years.  The USGA Tournament Management (TM) program will allow participants to access information about events, view tee sheets, and view results all in one place.

TM will require the creation of a username and password. (It is recommended that these be the same as your current login to the Western website!) There will be more information about Tournament Management as we get closer to tournament registration in the spring.  

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